Saturday, July 13, 2013


Hey Yall~~~As most of you know I have been juicing~I really like it, but you know I struggle with it. I have not missed many days since I started juicing. The days I miss I can tell I do not feel as good. Kinda sluggish etc... I started the last of February 2013, and lost 25lbs. But I struggle with actual exercise, I know a lot of people think I get all kinds, but not the deep down kind that you actually spend time burning calories. Like 30-45 min a day, plus a nice 30 min Pilate firmer. I was doing all that, and since I have been off track I have gained between 5-8lb.s back........SO.....

I am going to go on a juice fast and detox, I have never done this yet and I think it is time to fully clean my body out. I have had a stomach virus this summer, now I have a sinus infection and bad sore throat, my lymph nodes are swollen bad. So it is time to Detox. Keep me in your mind this week for I will struggle, but with God all things are possible.

You see I lost a lot of weight last summer, but I done it hard and fast, and I starved myself, the wrong thing to do, but the right thing I done was, exercise, I walked and jogged 1 hr. in the morning and 1 hr. in the evening, plus I got a 30-45 min Pilate work out in the middle of the day. I am going to start getting the 30 min firm Pilate in.
And this is what I looked like then~~At 155lb.s
And this is what I am looking like now~~at 165lb.s

 I think I will keep a journal type blog this week with this juice fast. Because I know I will have ups and downs. So bear with me if I get weak, But I will try to help support you, and I might need your support in the same breath....Thank you all, you all have been so good to me~God Bless Yall~~~ :)

Remember yall Keep on Juicing and Like Drew Canole Says~Were in this together~

Here is my facebook link also...


  1. Wishing you the best this week Misty, as you take it day-by-day... I will be praying for you to have a successful week, girl <3

  2. Praying you have a successful fast and cleanse. I want to know more about how it works for you.

    1. Thank you, juicing is the best thing I have ever done, this fast is going to be hard though, I had a salad and some almonds for supper, I am already sick and was just feeling real bad.....

  3. Prepare to feel kinda lousy the first few days as the toxins leave your body, it's expected so give your body some grace and let it work on the detox, good warm baths/showers help get the toxins off your skin that will be coming out though your pores. You're in my prayers. I really want to try to juice, I detox often with fasting and bentonite and psyllium but haven't got a juicer...been looking. God speed ~

    1. Thank you, considering I feel already very lousy today, I have felt like my head was going to pop off with this sinus infection. I done well, but I did have a salad and some almonds for supper, I just felt so bad it was like I needed something.....I am sure I will do much better tomorrow...Thank you...

  4. Hang in there Sweet Lady.. & if you find its not working for you, its ok to walk away.. You can give it another try when you're feeling better.
    I think you look great myself.. I'd be happy to be there again.. I will be.. someday.. Lord Willing. ;)
    Wishing you a super quick & great week!!


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