Monday, August 26, 2013

Misty's Country Cooking

Hey Yall~~~As most of you know I have been juicing~I really like it, but you know I struggle with it. I have not missed many days since I started juicing. The days I miss I can tell I do not feel as good. Kinda sluggish etc... I started the last of February 2013, and lost 25lbs. But I struggle with actual exercise, I know a lot of people think I get all kinds, but not the deep down kind that you actually spend time burning calories. Like 30-45 min a day, plus a nice 30 min Pilate firmer. I was doing all that, and since I have been off track I have gained between 5-8lb.s back........SO.....

I am going to go on a juice fast and detox, I have never done this yet and I think it is time to fully clean my body out. I have had a stomach virus this summer, now I have a sinus infection and bad sore throat, my lymph nodes are swollen bad. So it is time to Detox. Keep me in your mind this week for I will struggle, but with God all things are possible.

You see I lost a lot of weight last summer, but I done it hard and fast, and I starved myself, the wrong thing to do, but the right thing I done was, exercise, I walked and jogged 1 hr. in the morning and 1 hr. in the evening, plus I got a 30-45 min Pilate work out in the middle of the day. I am going to start getting the 30 min firm Pilate in.
And this is what I looked like then~~At 155lb.s
And this is what I am looking like now~~at 165lb.s

 I think I will keep a journal type blog this week with this juice fast. Because I know I will have ups and downs. So bear with me if I get weak, But I will try to help support you, and I might need your support in the same breath....Thank you all, you all have been so good to me~God Bless Yall~~~ :)

Remember yall Keep on Juicing and Like Drew Canole Says~Were in this together~

Here is my facebook link also...


  1. Cant see your yellow type against the tan background.. I had to highlight it to read it..
    but.. hang in there Girlie.. & Keep on Keeping On!

  2. I started out juicing once a week, then twice a week, then three times a week and about that time I found myself craving more. My usual recipe is 2 apples, 5 carrots and a beet. Love the beet. Depending on what I have, I add 1 cucumber, 1 zucchini and a handful of celery. I finally got a hand crank juicer for green leafy vegetables. Most of the greens in my garden froze, but I think there is a little kale hanging in. I only juice once a day in the morning and it fills me up past lunch. I need to loose weight, but my first goal is to get as much nutrients in as possible.
    I really appreciate your videos. I'm a lot older than you, but not too old to learn something new. Thanks, Diana

  3. Hey Misty! Glad to know that juicing has been working for you. My husband and I started juicing in Feb. He lasted about a week, but I kept at it. The last time I weighed myself I was down 18lbs. I still have a lot more to lose, but I feel so much better than before. Like you mentioned I need to start exercising more. I enjoy walking with my dogs so once it warms up a bit I will start again. Thanks so much for sharing your journey.

  4. Hi Misty, I need to get a uicer myself. Right now I am just making smoothies. Usually I put frozen mango chunks, spinach and banana in a blender and that gives me energy along with a multi-vitamin. You might want to try taking some good quality vitamin C from a health food store for a cold or sore throat. That always helps me. I'm also a christian and got saved when I was 20 years old. I really enjoy your videos and will pray for you and all your family. Take care! ~ Rebecca


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