Friday, February 1, 2013

Our 1st Snow of 2013

Hey Yall~It has been a beautiful day~We got the children some sleds last year and it has not snowed yet till this morning~So here are a few pictures I took this morning~

                                                    These were the 1st ones I took~
Then I went out the front door and this is what I saw~
Then up the driveway~

Then up the Holler
And in the field~Where I had to retrive Daisy our milk cow~
Then back in the house to cook breakfast, this was the Beautiful Sun Rise God Has Bless Us With~     

I do hope you all have a wonderful day and know you are all Blessed....Thank you for all the wonderful encouragment~                                                               


  1. Just beautiful! We haven't had any snow here in Georgia for a long time, but about a week ago we had ice. I'd love to see some snow :) Nothing like sitting by a warm fire, drinking a cup of homemade hot cocoa and watching the snow fall.

  2. Well Well I am finally glad to see you had a little time for your blog. Just the other day I said to myself...she never writes in her blog??? I know you are a very busy woman..THANKS Really enjoyed the pictures. How do you do with the soap???

  3. Love everything Misty does. Learn so much from her. Around here friends who have a milk cow, bring her in to the barn during the winter at night.

  4. My goodness Misty. Where you live is so beautiful. I love your lifestyle and learn tons from your videos. They are such a treat to watch.

  5. I never knew you had a blog too Misty.. good Lord, woman.. What beautiful photos. and look at all those orbs.. ;) Or are they snowflakes. ;) is my blog.. but havent written on it in 1.5 years.. I better get to it huh. ;)
    Lots of blessings to you & your family.. Keeping you all in prayers!

  6. Hey Misty,
    I love your video's. My husband James, and I are becoming preppers and would love to visit with you and Mountain Man. We are in the Middle TN area also in Lebanon. My husband is a truck driver and is off on Fri/Sat only. I am a stay at home housewife, working on planting and canning for America's collapse. Feel free to email me I also have a facebook account under Sheri Curry. Can't wait to hear from you.
    God Bless
    Sheri & James Curry


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