Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey we have been getting ready to garden

Hey what has been up? We have been getting ready to garden. This is me tilling the ground after we had a horse and plow come and break the ground for us. That was fun. I have also been getting my raised beds ready to plant. I have a few lettuce seeds sowed and some onion sets.
And the after product. It is always so pretty after you have just broke fresh ground. The fresh earth and the smell of the soil. It just makes you want to plant and grow.

Here are a few pictures of a couple seed trays I have with Butter Crunch Lettuce and Cabbage seed in it. And a few of my raised beds we have been working on to get ready to grow in. Oh yes that is my little boy try to make his way across the deep hills of dirt.
Me and the children found a nice log to sit on under the shade tree this summer to take a break from working the garden. Now to figure out how to get it there.

Now for the work to begin. This will take power to roll this big ol' log up hill. Ready, set, go!!!

Alright we got it there. That was a job. We had a ways to go. But with team work any thing is possible. Now time to garden. I hope every one has a good garden this year and can be able to put some vegies away for this next winter. It is always good to plan for the future. Y'all have a good day now. Now on to the next job. building a new pig pin.


  1. Thank you Misty for having this website too and for inviting us into your lives:) Great photos of you and the family! God bless you and yours.


Fresh Country Eggs

Fresh Country Eggs
All home grown

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